Adopted by President’s Cabinet 6/23/20; Updates Approved 6/27/23


该政策将于2015年秋季生效,旨在确保准确的奖励 根据佐治亚大学董事会的大学制度,总统的豁免 摄政政策.3.4.1 (BoR Minutes September 9, 2014).


确保根据美国地质调查局的规定分发豁免书 校董会规例. EGSC seeks to attract students of different backgrounds and to promote academic excellence and service to the college and community.


政策 and 程序 of 学院

Who Should Read this Policy

负责审查、推荐、 awarding and maintenance of these 豁免s.


Dr. Catherine Whelan, Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs
478-289-2034 • cwhelanFREEOMNIUPDATE


    • 十大正规网赌平台 Catalog, current version
    • Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 7.3.4 regarding Out-of-State 学费 Waivers and Waivers of Mandatory 费用.
    • Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 4.3.4 regarding Verification of Lawful Presence
    • Board of Regents Policy Manual Section regarding Descriptions of Terms used in 学费 Classification Policy.


Out-of-State 学费 Waiver: 对州外学生支付的学费差额的豁免 and those classified as in-state.

Out-of-State Classification: Status granted to a student who, in accordance with O.C.G.A. 20-3-66和政策 校董会主席,已被确定为没有资格支付学费的学生 本州的学生.

合法的存在: 所有豁免接受者必须提供在美国合法存在的证据 as defined in the Board of Regents Manual Section 4.3.4.

非居民: 在乔治亚州一段时间内没有建立住所的学生 至少12个月,在上课的第一天之前,为学期 student is intending to enroll at the institution.

国际学生: 对于总统豁免的目的,国际学生是持有 有效的F-1签证.

学年: 就总统豁免而言,学年被定义为连续学年 fall, spring and summer semesters. Check point for 豁免 recipients will be at the 春季学期结束了.

连续登记: 招收ment without a break of more than one traditional academic semester. 一个学生 谁连续两个或两个以上的传统学期没有入学 not considered continuously enrolled.       

Reasonable Academic Progress: 有望在6个全日制学期(或同等时间制)内毕业的学生 副学士学位或即将在10个全日制学期内毕业的学生 (or part-time equivalent) for a bachelor’s degree.

Allocation of Waiver Awards

根据BoR政策的规定,总统豁免将分为三类. 有效的豁免总数目不得超过相当于全职工作的2% 在十大正规网赌平台的秋季学期入学的学生 the term for which the out-of-state tuition is to be waived. The proportional percentage 州外学费的减免应用于确定减免的数量 实际上,州外学费的全额减免算一次减免,而 a 50% 豁免 of out-of-state tuition counts as a .5豁免. 学生可能有资格 属于一个或多个总统豁免类别,但只能获得豁免 under one specific category and will be counted within that category.

    1. Academic Category Waiver Qualification:
      EGSC将使用前50%的学生来定义我们的前一半学生 students from the previous fall semester based on their grade 平均成绩. 对传入的 新生,它将基于高中必修课程(RHSC)的成绩点 average calculated in Banner. 对于转学生来说, it will be based on a minimum 2.5 grade 平均成绩 from their prior college(s). This grade 平均成绩 is based on the cumulative courses EGSC transfers into 学院. All applicants must provide a record of proven leadership and/or community service.
    2. Athletic Category Waiver Qualification:
      有资格参加学院校际体育运动的新生 课程将根据成功进入大学和最低 2.0 Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) grade 平均成绩. 对于转学生来说, it will be based on 最少2个.0 grade 平均成绩 from their prior college(s). 豁免接受者必须保持参加大学体育运动的资格.  如果学生失去资格,教练必须通知招生主任 及档案处. The percentage of 豁免s offered cannot exceed more than 1/3 of the total 2% of Presidential Waivers granted by 学院.
    3. 国际 Category Waiver Qualification:
      新入学的新生将根据是否成功被大学录取进行评估 最少2个.5 Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) grade 平均成绩. 为转移 students, it will be based on 最少2个.5 grade 平均成绩 from their prior college(s). 这个平均成绩是基于EGSC转入的累积课程 学院. Participation in the 国际 Club is strongly encouraged.

EGSC将首先考虑按以下顺序授予这些豁免的学生: 国际, and finally Athletic. All students will be required to complete the 办理申请手续,并向学生事务记录处递交申请表及表格 支持性文件,包括一页纸的个人论文,概述他/她为什么 正在寻求豁免,以及他/她获得豁免将如何使EGSC受益. 此外, 学生必须提供由具有全面知识的个人出具的支持信 and is able to expound upon the student’s past academic achievements (e.g.、教师、 school counselor, or principal) for consideration of the 豁免. 豁免了 从开学第一天算起超过45天将不予考虑 当前期限.

 豁免可能会在学年的中期颁发给其他学生 如果在当前接受者离开学院时可以获得豁免(e.g., 毕业或转学的情况)或未能保持要求的情况 豁免.


所有豁免接受者都要在春季学期结束时接受审查 meet the following criteria for continuance of the 豁免:

    1. All students must maintain a 2.5 (2.0 athletic), unrounded, overall cumulative grade 平均成绩.
    2. 所有学生必须在秋季和春季学期注册至少12个学分.
    3. 所有学生必须遵守EGSC学生制定的学生行为准则 手册.
    4. All students must make reasonable progress towards earning a degree.
    5. 所有学生将在新学年或在他们申请的时间重新申请豁免 re-gain eligibility for the 豁免. Students attending during a probationary period will not re-apply until the new academic year.
    6. 学生在结束时未能达到平均绩点的要求 一个学年将收到书面通知,他们的豁免处于危险之中,他/她 必须使学业进步,并建议他们利用辅导服务 available at the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE). 这个学生将被安置 在两个学期的试用期,但应有资格保持豁免 during the probationary period.
    7. 所有未达到要求的平均成绩的豁免接受者 对于他们这个类别,两个学期的试用期结束后,将变成 ineligible to receive the 豁免 their next semester of enrollment.
    8. Loss of this 豁免 is not appealable.
    9. 学生可重新获得豁免,但须视乎学校的决定而定 学生的持续出勤和提高平均绩点的能力 to satisfy the requirements of their eligible Presidential sub-category.
    10. 学校保留拒绝超过6个全日制学生的续期申请的权利 副学士学位的学期(或同等兼职)或10个全日制学期 (或兼职同等学历)的学士学位课程,即使学生 meets all eligibility requirements.


参与审查、推荐、批准和记录维护的工作人员 授予的豁免.  The parties listed below have an intricate role in the decision-making 过程.

位置 责任
注册商 Initial review and recommendation - tracking
Reports to Business Affairs student information for posting the 豁免s.
Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs Final review and confirmation of decision