
This Agreement is made by and between the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia by and on behalf of 十大正规网赌平台 ("College") and the undersigned 选美选手(“选手”). 选手是指参加比赛的学生 十大正规网赌平台小姐称号或先生. 十大正规网赌平台的头衔.

考虑到有机会竞争Mr. 东乔治亚州 College or Miss 十大正规网赌平台 2022 title, scholarship and other benefits to be awarded to the winners of each contest, Contestant does hereby agree to the 以下条款及条件:

  1. Assumption of Risk, Waiver and Release: Contestant Acknowledges and agrees that participation 在先生中. or Miss 十大正规网赌平台 2022 Pageant (hereinafter “Pageant”) is not a requirement of his or her course of study and his or her participation is 纯粹的自愿. 因此,参赛者同意承担所有风险 or her participation 在游行中 and with his/her reign should he/she win the pageant. In consideration of the professional and educational enrichment that he/she will derive from participation 在游行中, Contestant does hereby, for himself/herself, his/her heirs, executors and administrators, and assigns, waive, release, covenant not to sue and forever discharge the Board of Regents of the 佐治亚大学系统, 十大正规网赌平台 and their members, agents, servants and employees (collectively referred to as the College) of and from any and all manner of action of actions, causes or causes of action, including, but not limited to negligence, suits, debts, accounts, damages, claims and demands of any kind whatsoever which I have or may acquire by reason of injury, damage or harm to person while participating 在游行中. 此外, I agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the College from any and all claims, demands and/or causes of action arising out of my own actions while participating 和/或在我担任. 或2022年十大正规网赌平台小姐, 如果这样选择.
  2. Both parties agree that participating as a contestant 在游行中 is a privilege. Contestant must meet both character and academic qualifications in order to be eligible 代表十大正规网赌平台参赛. 有学生背景的参赛者 conduct findings and/ or pending student conduct charges are not eligible to compete 在游行中. 参赛者未能在任何地方遵守EGSC行为准则 time during the application, competition or during his or her reign will result in 先生的丧失参赛资格及/或损失./ EGSC小姐的头衔和桂冠. 的 学历在本合同中注明. 此外,强制露面 and other requirements as noted in this contract must be adhered to by the Contestant 如果加冕的话,将由约翰先生加冕. /小姐EGSC. 不符合本规定的任何要求 contract will result in ineligibility to compete and/or loss of the Mr./小姐EGSC 头衔和王冠.
  3. 参赛选手必须参加强制性的选美练习 4月8日th,2022 ,以便有资格参加Mr./十大正规网赌平台小姐 2022年选美比赛 4月9日th2022年下午1点至6点.
  4. 为了有资格参加Mr./十大正规网赌平台小姐选美比赛选手 必须符合下列资格:
    • 年龄介乎17至24岁;
    • 单身,未婚或婚姻被宣告无效;
    • 不得怀孕或待产;
    • 符合EGSC选美委员会所订定的品格标准;
    • 健康状况良好,符合工作要求;
    • Have no prior student conduct findings and/or pending student conduct charges;
    • Be able to meet the time commitments and job responsibilities as set forth in this 协议
    • 是一名注册的EGSC学生 累积绩点2.0 申请时;
    • Be a registered and enrolled EGSC student for at least 12 credit hours for Spring 2022; and 
    • 双录取 students must be registered and enrolled for 12 credit hours for Spring 2022.
  1. 这位选手,如果被加冕为先生.2022年十大正规网赌平台小姐,必须保持 A累计2.在他/她的任期内平均绩点为0. 未能维持累积2.0的绩点 and fulfill title responsibilities will result in revocation of the Mr./小姐东 获得佐治亚州立大学学位和奖学金. 如果奖学金基金 been paid at the time of the revocation, the College may take actions as noted in 第九段. 除非获奖者在任职期间毕业,否则没有任何计划 not to be enrolled at EGSC during his/her year of service must be approved by the 选美比赛总监. 
  2. 的先生.2022年十大正规网赌平台小姐 Pageant format will include the following 阶段:
      • 介绍/社区服务15%
      • 休闲装15%
      • 面试                                  30%
      • 晚装25%
      • 舞台提问15%

参赛者同意参加Mr./十大正规网赌平台小姐 2022年大学选美.

  1. 如果被选为Mr.2022年十大正规网赌平台小姐大赛, 参赛者同意:
    1. 制作以下内容 强制性的 Mr./ 2022年十大正规网赌平台小姐出场:
      1. Represent EGSC at the Pine Tree Festival including riding on EGSC Float,
      2. Represent EGSC at the Swainsboro Christmas Parade and ride on the EGSC Float;
      3. 按要求参加EGSC基金会的活动;
      4. 根据EGSC的要求参加EGSC和社区活动;
      5. Represent EGSC at such other events as determined by the 选美比赛总监;
      6. Practice, 事件 and Competition for Miss 十大正规网赌平台 2023 in March 或2023年4月;     
    2. 在他/她担任先生期间,任何时候都要举止得体./东乔治亚小姐 州立大学 2022 in a manner that reflects positively upon himself/ herself and 十大正规网赌平台;
    3. Respond to phone calls and e-mail messages from Board members within 48 hours;
    4. Give at least 24 hours notice that he/she will be unable to attend a scheduled function, 只有在紧急情况或严重疾病的情况下才能取消. Mr./东乔治亚小姐 州立大学 must speak directly with a Board member to cancel an appearance; text 短信和电子邮件是不可接受的取消方式;
    5. 是否经先生预先批准./十大正规网赌平台董事会小姐 出席官方活动以及出席活动的所有服装;
    6. Write thank you notes for all gifts and cards received and in response to all official appearances he/she makes during his/her reign within two weeks of the event;
    7. At all times represent himself/herself and 十大正规网赌平台 in a dignified manner on any public or privately-accessible information sources (such as, but not limited to, 脸谱网, 推特, message boards, personal websites and blogs, etc., 无论是通过照片还是发表评论):
    8. 事先通知经理./十大正规网赌平台小姐大赛总监 of entry into any competitive pageant; and
    9. 为选手社区服务计划筹款.
  1. Mr.2022年十大正规网赌平台小姐 winners will each receive a $400 scholarship 将于2022年秋季学期颁发. 在每一场角逐中./小姐 十大正规网赌平台, first runner up will receive $200 scholarship and second 亚军将获得100美元奖学金. Mr. 2022年十大正规网赌平台小姐 必须在2022年秋季学期注册为全日制学生. Mr./东乔治亚小姐 州立大学 2022 scholarship recipients must apply for receipt of his/her scholarship money to 十大正规网赌平台 学生会 Association, no later than 2022年6月1日. 十大正规网赌平台基金会公司.他将提供100美元的奖学金 先生.2022年十大正规网赌平台小姐, subject to the above application and 注册的最后期限.
  1. 参赛者理解并承认,全部或部分的Mr./东乔治亚小姐 州立大学 scholarship money may be revoked by the College as the result of missed 与先生身份不符的强制性露面或行为./十大正规网赌平台小姐 2022年的头衔,由Mr./十大正规网赌平台小姐 大学董事会. 如果奖学金已经支付,那么学院 may place a Hold on the Contestant's student account until reimbursement of the revoked 款项已归还书院. 暂停将导致选手无法参赛 注册,毕业或取得成绩单.

协议于_______________,202__ ____日达成.

选手 : _________________________________


Board of Regents of the 佐治亚大学系统 by and on behalf of East Georgia 州立大学


大卫L. 谢克特,总裁/日期

