

I. 目的

The Intramural 体育 Program supports the mission of the Office of Student Life by offering quality comprehensive programs and activities to the students, faculty, and 十大正规网赌平台的工作人员. 校内项目努力促进健康、 active lifestyles while also teaching decision-making, problem solving, conflict management, 沟通和社交技巧. 这个程序的强度是完全依赖的 十大正规网投平台学生的参与和领导能力. 学生生活协调员负责服务 as a facilitator of the program and a liaison between the students and staff of EGSC, the primary responsibility of making the Intramural 体育 Program successful lies 掌握在选择参与的学生手中.

This handbook will serve as a guide for participants, and should be used a reference 是否会出现任何问题或冲突. 然而,十大正规网赌平台保留 the right to make any changes, additions, alterations, or omissions deemed necessary 在任何时候. 有关校内体育项目的更多信息,请联系 学生生活协调员,电话:478-289-2115,或学生生活主任,电话 478-289-2105.

II. 球员的资格

    1. 1. A valid 十大正规网赌平台 ID must be presented to sign up for and participate 参加校内活动.
    2. A player must be enrolled in 6 credit hours in the same semester session during which 校内活动发生. 本学期入学的学生 然后退出所有课程都不再有资格.
    3. A signed liability waiver and Medical Information Form for each participant must be 在学生生活办公室存档.
    4. Players must never have been considered professional 运动员s in same or related sport.
    5. 任何目前参加校际运动的个人 在同一学年没有资格参加校内体育活动. A participant who meets any of the following criteria is considered to be a collegiate 运动员:
      1. 姓名在学年期间出现在正式的校际花名册上.
      2. 在学年期间参加过校际比赛吗.
    6. Former collegiate 运动员s can participate in Intramural sports with certain exceptions. Players must not be listed on a collegiate roster in the same or related sport for 本学年. 任何曾经在名单上的球员都可以例外 不到三个星期. 一支球队的名单仅限于一名前大学毕业生 运动员.
    7. 为了有资格参加季后赛比赛,球员必须至少参加一场比赛 常规赛1场.
    8. 一名运动员不得在一项运动中与一支以上的球队比赛. 然而, players are permitted to play on a gender specific team as well as a Co-Rec team in 同样的运动. 已加入花名册的选手不能再加入花名册 和另一支队伍一起玩.
    9. A player is considered a member of the first team he or she signs a game score sheet with, and after entering one contest with a team, a player may not switch teams during 本赛季. 换句话说,交易是禁止的. 例外情况将在 一队正式退出比赛.

3. 开始/注册

    1. 参赛者须自行组队/组队名单,副本须于 交给学生生活协调员. 团队中应该选出一名成员 担任队长. 队长将作为队员之间的联络人 以及学生生活协调员. 船长有责任:
      1. 在报名截止日期前组织参赛队伍并报名参赛.
      2. 参加指定项目的强制性队长会议.
      3. 保持他或她的联系信息与学生生活办公室保持同步.
      4. Be familiar with all eligibility rules and ensure that his or her team consists of 仅限符合条件的玩家.
      5. 与团队成员协调实践.
      6. 通知队员预定比赛的时间和地点.
      7. 确保代表他或她的队伍的队员按照比赛规则进行比赛 游戏和行为举止得当.
      8. Keep his or her team informed of rules, policies, and regulations governing each sport. 
      9. Inform the Coordinator of Student Life immediately of any conflicts, questions, or 整个季节可能出现的变化.
    2. 花名册、日程安排和弃权:
      1. Download and print a roster form from the EGSC Student Life website, or pick one up 在JAM学生中心的服务台.
      2. Fill out roster with each team member’s name, student ID number, and contact information.
      3. 将填妥的表格交回学生生活办公室. 队长将会收到通知 验证过程完成后.
      4. Game scheduling will be done entirely by the Coordinator of Student Life and/or any 学生生活办公室雇佣的学生工作人员. 我们将尽一切努力 produce a schedule that accommodates as many teams and players as possible; however, 由于空间和时间的限制,这可能并不总是可行的.
      5. Generally speaking, games will be played in the mid- to late afternoon, and participation 参加校内运动绝对不是旷课的借口.
      6. Game schedules will be available via the EGSC website and 脸谱网 page, and signage 会被安置在校园周围吗. 这是球员的责任,让他们自己 了解游戏时间和地点.
      7. Each participant will be required to sign a waiver AND fill out a Medical Information 在参加任何形式的游戏之前形成. 没有例外. 

IV. 参与者的责任和期望

    1. 每支队伍都要穿运动衫和编号的队服. 围巾会 由学生生活办公室提供. 团队可以选择提供和佩戴他们的 自己的球队t恤或球衣号码,如果他们愿意,但所有参与者必须 同一队的颜色和对方队的颜色是否必须不同. 如果选举 为提供自己的队服,所有球员必须穿上自己的队服或队服 队员们必须穿着提供的小礼服. 拒绝这样做可能会导致没收 游戏的.
    2. 需要穿合适的鞋(取决于比赛场地). 因为服装各不相同 每项运动,请参考具体的运动规则.
    3. Each team is expected to create a team name by which they will be identified throughout 本赛季. “十大正规网赌平台”和“山猫”不应该在团队中使用 的名字. 学生生活办公室保留更改或更改任何队伍名称的权利 粗俗的粗俗的、无礼的或低级趣味的.
    4. Participants are encouraged to practice with teammates and/or schedule and participate 并列争球游戏. 学生生活办公室不会安排实习 是车队的唯一责任吗.
    5. Participants are responsible for keeping up with game schedules, and should remain 经常与队长和/或学生生活协调员联系. 一个团队 not fielding the minimum number of players at game time shall receive a forfeit loss. 不知道比赛安排不再是一个借口,因为比赛安排 很容易在网上找到. 
    6. 参与者应遵守所有规则和行为准则(见下文) 适用于每项运动和/或场地的规则和标准,以及东方的规则和标准 佐治亚州立大学,如学生手册中所述.
    7. Participants are expected to learn the rules of the specific sport he or she participates 在所有比赛中遵守这些规则. 规则解释是唯一的 responsibility of the official(s), 以及学生生活协调员 will rely on 上述官员的判断.

V. 校外运动(比赛)

Participation in activities offered by the Intramural 体育 Program provides various 参加校外比赛的机会.e. 州,地区,和 全国锦标赛. 这些比赛允许来自EGSC校内的参与者参加 体育 Program to compete against other Intramural teams on the 州,地区,和 并代表EGSC参加各种校外活动. 有一些 与校外竞赛有关的指导方针.

    1. 十大正规网赌平台有可能报销校外学费 一支队伍的比赛报名费. 这支球队将在季后赛中决出 (first place team), or an All-Star team that will be selected at least 2 weeks prior 去参加比赛. 学生生活办公室将决定哪种方法是最好的, 这里要考虑几个变量. 
    2. Lodging and travel are not included in any fees paid by the Office of Student Life, 除非旅行由学生生活办公室提供. 这将被决定 具体情况具体分析. 然而,参加校外活动的人的住宿是 永远不会被十大正规网赌平台支付或报销.
    3. All teams have the opportunity to participate in State and Regional tournaments; however, they must pay their own entry fee, not to be reimbursed by the Office of Student Life
    4. Participation and behavior at extramural events is representative of EGSC and sportsmanship 显示的应反映所表示的程序. 任何缺乏体育精神的例子 by an individual or team representing EGSC will result in sanctions for that individual or team with the Intramural 体育 Program at EGSC, in addition to any sanctions imposed 在校外活动上.
    5. The Coordinator of Student Life will notify Team Captains of any and all applicable extramural activities and tournaments, and a schedule of said activities is available 通过学生生活办公室.

VI. 规则和行为准则

    1. Tobacco, alcohol, and drugs are prohibited during any and all Intramural activities. Playing or spectating under the influence of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs is cause for 立即开除,并可能导致进一步的惩罚和制裁.
    2. If a disagreement should arise between a player and an official concerning the interpretation 对于可能或已经直接影响比赛结果的规则, 队长可以向裁判提出抗议. 必须提出抗议 在争执发生的时候和比赛恢复之前. 游戏的误用 rules and participant eligibility are the only elements of the contest which may be 抗议. 官员的判决不得提出异议.
    3. 不容忍辱骂、冒犯或淫秽的语言和/或手势. 
    4. 可能导致不必要的粗暴、身体暴力、打斗或威胁 in immediate termination 游戏的 and possible suspension of player(s) and/or team(s).
    5. Use of an ineligible player will cause the offending team to receive a forfeit loss 每次有不符合资格的选手参加的比赛.
    6. Any and all behavior and actions deemed inappropriate or unacceptable by officials and/or the Department of Student Life, but not specified in this handbook, can result 在弹射和/或悬浮中.
